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RHQ 4.7

RHQ 4.0 Release Plan

(release scheduled for Fri, Apr 29, 2011)

  • (mfoley i have done a lot of these - 48h - 4/11-4/20) - verify ON_QA BZ issues (in priority order)

  • (cswii - 32h- 4/11-4/15) Test non-super functionality GUI as non-superusers (use two users each with a different role - one role with some non-empty groups but no permissions, and one role with some non-empty group and all resource permissions) (see test outline below)

  • (cswii - 20h- 4/11-4/15) Test superuser functionality in GUI as rhqadmin (see test outline below)

  • (? - 2h - 4/27) Write release notes (keep private in Confluence)

  • (? - ? ) Write something about changes in the UI as we have no new RHQ 4 user docs.

  • (ips - 4h - 4/28) Tag release

  • (ips - 4h - 4/28) Build release from tag via hudson

  • (ips - 1h - 4/28) Verify size of release zipfile appears sane; run chkrhqdist script to check validity of release dist

  • (? - 2h - 4/29) Install release and smoke test it

  • (ips - 2h - 4/29) Publish binaries to internal web server and Sourceforge

  • (ips - 1h - 4/29) Make release notes public and update front page and download page

  • (ips - 1h - 4/29) Send release announcements to rhq-users, rhq-devel, and internal lists, and update #rhq topic

  • (pilhuhn - 2h - 4/29) Blog about release

  • (ips - 2h - 4/29) Publish Javadocs and link off wiki

  • (ips - 2h - 5/2) Publish Maven artifacts to JBoss Nexus repo

RHQ 4 release test focus areas

Superuser GUI Tests

[jsanda working on non-superuser tests]

  • Dashboard

    • (mfoley...OK) create, delete, and modify dashboards (test adding, removing, and moving portlets)

    • check each of the portlets, including those not included on the default dashboard; try changing portlet's settings and verify they work

      • (mfoley...OK) alerted or unavailable resources

      • (mfoley ...OK)discovery queue

      • (mfoley....OK) favorite resources

      • (mfoley .....OK) inventory summary

      • (mfoley....OK) mashup

      • (mfoley ....OK) message

      • (mfoley...OK )platform utilization

      • (mfoley ....OK) recent alerts

      • (mfoley ...OK)recent operations

      • (mfoley.....OK) recently added resources

      • (mfoley ....OK) resource group metric graph

      • (mfoley ....OK)resource metric graph

      • (mfoley ....OK)scheduled operations

      • (mfoley....OK) tag count

  • Inventory

    • Resource List View

      • (mfoley ....OK)test search bar

      • (mfoley....sorting is OK....grouping ....hmmm ...not sure how to do this ) test sorting and grouping

      • (mfoley ...uninventory is OK....  need to confirm that uninventoried item re-appears in auto-discovery queue) test uninventory

    • Group List View

      • (mfoley ....OK) test search bar

      • (mfoley ...sorting is OK ...grouping .... i didn't see how to do that) test sorting and grouping

      • (mfoley ....OK) test create/delete

    • Group Definition List View

      • (mfoley ...ok) test search bar

      • (mfoley ...ok) test sorting and grouping

      • (mfoley ...ok) test create/delete

    • Resource Tree

      • (mfoley ...OK ...although i am seeing UI performance issues with FF) check initial load time is not too slow

      • (mfoley ....OK) test expand/collapse/select

      • (mfoley ...didn't try them all...but I do see the right-click context menu in both FF and IE8 ) test right context menus (try each menu option)

    • Non-Recursive Compat Group Tree

      • (mfoley ...OK) check initial load time is not too slow

      • (mfoley ...OK) test expand/collapse/select

      • (mfoley ...OK) test right context menus (try each menu option)

    • Recursive Compat Group Tree (mfoley ...this is where we have an issue.... i need to learn more on the expected behavior to verify)

      • (mfoley ...this is where we have an issue.... i need to learn more on the expected behavior to verify) check initial load time is not too slow

      • (mfoley ...this is where we have an issue.... i need to learn more on the expected behavior to verify) test expand/collapse/select

      • (mfoley ...this is where we have an issue.... i need to learn more on the expected behavior to verify) test right context menus (try each menu option)

    • Mixed Group Tree

      • (mfoley...OK) check initial load time is not too slow

      • (mfoley....OK) test expand/collapse/select

      • (????mfoley ....hmmmm..... I couldn't find the right-click context menus ??????  i am not sure there should be right click context menus on mixed group tree ?? so i am not entering a bug )test right context menus (try each menu option)

    • Resource Detail View

      • (mfoley ...some issues here ...version=none ... Location= ) test view/edit general props

      • (mfoley ...OK) test create/delete tags

      • (mfoley ...OK) test quickly switching back and forth between two tabs

      • test each subtab (in order to test all types of subtabs, you'll need to find types of Resources that support each of the various facets)

        • (mfoley ...ok) Summary > Activity

          • (mfoley ...OK) create, delete, and modify dashboards (test adding, removing, and moving portlets)

          • (mfoley ....OK) check each of the portlets, including those not included on the default dashboard; try changing portlet's settings and verify they work

        • (mfoley ...OK) Summary > Timeline [JSF IFrame]

        • Inventory > Child Resources

        • Inventory > Child History

        • Inventory > Connection Settings

        • Inventory > Connection Settings History

        • Inventory > Groups

        • Inventory > Agent

        • (mfoley....OK) Alerts > History

        • (mfoley ....OK) Alerts > Definitions

        • (mfoley ...OK) Monitoring > Graphs [JSF IFrame]

        • (mfoley ....OK) Monitoring > Tables [JSF IFrame]

        • (mfoley ....OK) Monitoring > Traits

        • (mfoley ....OK) Monitoring > Call Time

        • (mfoley ....OK)Monitoring > Availability [JSF IFrame]

        • (mfoley ...OK) Monitoring > Schedules

        • (mfoley ...OK) Events > History

        • (mfoley ....added bz 697662 globally uncaught exception adding new scheduled operation.  learned more about this...the issue is specific to restarting the JON sever itself ) Operations > Schedules

        • Operations > History

        • Content > Deployed [JSF IFrame]

        • Content > New [JSF IFrame]

        • Content > Subscriptions [JSF IFrame]

        • Content > History [JSF IFrame]

    • Compat Group Detail View

      • (mfoley ...OK) test view/edit general props

      • (mfoley ...OK) test create/delete tags  .

      • test quickly switching back and forth between two tabs

      • group config ... ****Mentioned in Scrum 4/19 as risk area.  Broken?  Recent regression:  https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=697001

      • test each subtab (in order to test all types of subtabs, you'll need to find types of Resources that support each of the various facets)

        • Summary > Activity

          • create, delete, and modify dashboards (test adding, removing, and moving portlets)

          • check each of the portlets, including those not included on the default dashboard; try changing portlet's settings and verify they work

        • Inventory > Members

        • Inventory > Connection Settings

        • Inventory > Connection Settings History

        • (mfoley .....OK) Alerts > History

        • (mfoley ....OK) Alerts > Definitions

        • (mfoley ...OK) Monitoring > Graphs [JSF IFrame]

        • (mfoley ...OK) Monitoring > Tables [JSF IFrame]

        • (mfoley ...OK) Monitoring > Traits

        • (mfoley ...OK) Monitoring > Call Time

        • (mfoley ....OK) Monitoring > Availability [JSF IFrame]

        • (mfoley....OK) Monitoring > Schedules

        • Events > History

        • (mfoley ...OK) Operations > Schedules

        • (mfoley ...OK) Operations > History

    • Mixed Group Detail View

      • (mfoley ...OK) test view/edit general props

      • (mfoley ...OK) test create/delete tags

      • (mfoley .... minor bug 69800) test quickly switching back and forth between two tabs

      • test each subtab

        • Summary > Activity

          • (******mfoley ..... ok ...I had a Firefox hang, here ...CPU 100% .... )  create, delete, and modify dashboards (test adding, removing, and moving portlets)

          • (mfoley ....i did some ...but my browser would hang.  not sure i understand this ... i can define dashboards for mixed groups????? ) check each of the portlets, including those not included on the default dashboard; try changing portlet's settings and verify they work

        • (mfoley ....OK) Inventory > Members

        • (mfoley ...OK) Alerts > History

        • (mfoley ...OK) Events > History

        • make sure the view-only user can do nothing other than view the resources in their groups

  • Reports - check each of the report views

    • (mfoley ...OK) Tags

    • (mfoley ....OK) Suspect Metrics

    • (mfoley ...OK) Configuration History

    • (mfoley ... i encountered bz 697662 trying to schedule an operation ) Recent Operations

    • (mfoley ....OK) Recent Alerts

    • (mfoley ...OK) Alert Definitions

    • Inventory Summary (should not be viewable by non-superuser)

    • (mfoley ...OK) Platform Utilization

  • Bundles

    • (we have automation here, i think? ) test bundle create/delete/update(i.e. create v2)/deploy/rollback/tag (test with and without MANAGE_BUNDLES perm)

  • Administration - check each of the admin views; most of the items on the left menu should be grayed out since they require global perms

    • (mfoley ...OK) Users - should be able to view all users, but only edit general properties of self; should not be able to disable self or edit resource groups or permissions; should not be able to create or delete users

    • (mfoley ....bz 698475 ...role permissions not being saved) Roles - should be able to see all roles in list view, but not create or delete roles, or view or update role details

    • (mfoley....OK) Templates - metric templates should be viewable, but not editable; same for alert templates

    • (mfoley....OK) Downloads

    • (mfoley ...OK) Content > Repositories - should be able to create new public or private repos and upload files to those repos; should not be able to CRUD repos owned by other users

  • Help

    • (mfoley...OK) test each of the left menu items

  • (mfoley...OK) About Box - click on logo at top left of page; make sure about box opens and displays correct info; make sure about box closes

Superuser GUI Tests

  • Administration

    • (mfoley ...OK) Create/delete/modify roles

    • (mfoley ....OK) Create/delete/modify/disable users

    • (mfoley ....OK) Modify system settings

    • (mfoley ....NOT OK .... I couldn't do this.  from IRC ... this was broken .... apparently fixed??? ) Edit metric and alert templates

    • Test other admin views

  • Reports

    • (mfoley ...OK) Inventory Summary view


(mfoley ....  )

  • (mfoley ..... login, logout, quit, exec, record ... all OK.  Used H2 and Oracle databases.  I logged BZ 698267 issue with CLI Implicit Variables not working as documented.  This is not a regression, same behavior in JON 2.4.1)

Horizontal Areas

GWT/JSF Integration

  • Pay particularly close attention to where there is still jsf pages being rendered within the gwt page

    • Make sure all links work and remain within gwt page

    • Make sure the destination renders correctly and doesn't include a full page jsf window


  • (mfoley, spinder) IE8

  • (mfoley) FF3.6


  • (mfoley .... OK on Oracle 10G (no express edition for 11g) ) Oracle 11g

  • (mfoley ....OK) Postgres 8.4

  • (unit tests added by mazz) Upgrades?

HA Environment

  • test failover


  • (mfoley, OK)

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-12 14:14:24 UTC, last content change 2011-04-28 12:49:40 UTC.